Want to collaborate?

Kaur Counseling loves collaborating with journalist, organizations, and companies to help spread mental wellness, break stigma in the South Asian community, as well as talk about ways to improve intimacy in your life. If you’re a member of media or organization that would like to talk, please email: info@kaurcounseling.org, or fill out the contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you!

"Priya Tahim is recognized as a TOP Psychotherapist throughout the Washington, DC and Virginia regions and is featured as a Mental Health Expert on the TOP Doctors Interviews which are seen on CNN Headline News, FOX News, Oprah Winfrey Network, MSNBC and other networks"

"Priya Tahim is recognized as a TOP Psychotherapist throughout the Washington, DC and Virginia regions and is featured as a Mental Health Expert on the TOP Doctors Interviews which are seen on CNN Headline News, FOX News, Oprah Winfrey Network, MSNBC and other networks"

"Priya Tahim is recognized as a TOP Psychotherapist throughout the Washington, DC and Virginia regions and is featured as a Mental Health Expert on the TOP Doctors Interviews which are seen on CNN Headline News, FOX News, Oprah Winfrey Network, MSNBC and other networks" "Priya Tahim is recognized as a TOP Psychotherapist throughout the Washington, DC and Virginia regions and is featured as a Mental Health Expert on the TOP Doctors Interviews which are seen on CNN Headline News, FOX News, Oprah Winfrey Network, MSNBC and other networks"

Priya Tahim Priya Tahim

VoyageLA Interview

Today we’d like to introduce you to Priya Tahim:

Priya, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.

Growing up as a South Asian woman in a predominantly “white” area was hard. I looked different, I was battling trying to fit in while staying true to my cultural roots. I think trying so hard to navigate both cultures created anxiety for me.

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Priya Tahim Priya Tahim

How To Help Your Significant Other Through A Quarter-Life Crisis, According To A Therapist

Therapist Priya Tahim often sees couples in which one partner is struggling to figure out what they want from life. If you're in that situation, Tahim says, "The best way to comfort your partner is listening. Active listening is extremely important." As someone's romantic partner, your ability to use active listening will not only ensure their needs are met but will ensure yours are, too.

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Priya Tahim Priya Tahim

Is My Relationship Moving Too Fast? An Expert Explains Why "Taking It Slowly" Doesn't Always Work

"There is no rulebook for relationships. I believe that when you meet a person and find yourself connected — not only physically, but emotionally — there is no reason to second-guess that feeling." Whether you take a relationship slowly or leap in should be on your own instincts and feelings. At the end of the day, only you are in charge of how much you let someone in, Tahim says.

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Priya Tahim Priya Tahim

A mental health crisis brewing among South Asian immigrants in the West needs serious attention

Amid all this, Tahim said, it’s crucial for South Asian immigrants to know that it’s acceptable to talk about and seek help for their struggles. “Too often we hold on to things out of fear of ‘what will people say?’” she said. “But we have to start thinking about it as ‘What can people share’ or ‘what can people teach?’ Because unless somebody starts to talk, there’s little to no change that can happen.”

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